

The Middle Age in Italy is a period in which the foundations of Italian literature were laid, cultural richness emerged and unforgettable works were born. One of the most distinctive features of this period is the significant influence of the church and religious beliefs on literature.

Here is a more detailed exploration of the Italian Medieval literature:

Dante Alighieri and the “Divine Comedy”
The “Divine Comedy”, authored by Dante Alighieri, is the greatest masterpiece of Italian Medieval literature. The work is a monumental effort by Dante, divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. It narrates a journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, reflecting mankind’s pursuit of salvation. The “Divine Comedy” stands as one of the first major works written in Italian language.

Italian Medieval literatureFrancis of Assisi and the Hymns
Saint Francis of Assisi contributed significantly to Italian Medieval literature by composing hymns and religious poetry that conveyed profound spiritual depth. His works are filled with emotional expressions that reflect love for God, the beauty of nature and the depths of the human soul. The hymns written by Saint Francis constitute an important aspect of the religious dimension in Italian literature.

Chivalric Literature
During the Middle Ages, Chivalric literature and themes of love gained importance. These works depict knights bravely fighting, striving for love and exemplifying moral virtues. Notably, the epic tale “Orlando Furioso”, narrating the adventures of the knight Roland, is among the most prominent examples of this genre.Italian Medieval Literature

Vernacular Works
Italian Medieval literature saw an increase in the production of works written in the vernacular language, rather than Latin. This shift facilitated broader access to literature and contributed to the development of the Italian language. Consequently, everyday life, emotions and experiences of the common people found their way into literature.

Boccaccio’s “Decameron”
Giovanni Boccaccio’s “Decameron” is a collection of stories narrated by ten young people from various walks of life, seeking refuge from a pandemic. The work combines humour with profound philosophical content, reflecting various aspects of Italian Medieval society.

Italian Medieval Literature

Italian Medieval literature is a period influenced by religious beliefs, characterized by historical and cultural significance. Works such as Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy” continue to captivate readers, delving into existential inquiries and inner journeys. Italian Medieval literature serves as a reflection of universal human experiences and emotions, preserving the light of the past for future generations.

If you want to learn more about the Italian Medieval literature, check out here!